Canvas Conversations: Taylor Carver of I Need a Bigger House

Favorite needlepoint project. A pillow I stitched as a Mother’s Day gift for my mom a few years ago. She needlepointed and cross stitched throughout my childhood and is the reason why I picked it up myself. I grew up with a pillow she stitched while she was in her 30’s in my bedroom, so it was extra-special to be able to return the favor.
On your needlepoint Wishlist I’m currently pregnant with our first, and I am giddy to start stitching his or her future needlepoint heirlooms. I’m purchasing this Hugs and Kisses canvas the second we find out the gender!
It is also on my ultimate bucket list to create an INABH canvas line, inspired by my favorite classic cheeky vintage pillows.
Dream stitching spot. Under an umbrella, on the beach, an aperol spritz in hand. Or curled up on the couch directly next to a blindingly bright lamp (you know you’re getting old when…)
13 or 18 Mesh Canvas. 13 Mesh. Although I always seem to end up with 18 mesh projects…
Last book you read and liked. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins.
Favorite flower. Nothing makes me happier than a bush bursting with hydrangeas.
Guilty pleasure. Recently, in my pregnant state: pepperoni Hot Pockets. All of the time: looking up every house I pass on Zillow and gummy bears.
On your nightstand. Currently my nightstand is an air conditioning unit (the joys of living in air conditioning-less Southern California), so nothing ☺
Currently listening to: Podcasts: Celebrity Memoir Bookclub and How I Built This.and Music: Van Morrison and Taylor Swift, always.
Currently watching. My life feels like one never-ending football game between the months of September and January… Schitt’s Creek is usually my background noise during the day, I’ve probably seen it 10 times through by now.
If there were more hours in the day I would. Ride more! I’ve been a horse girl since birth and there is no place I’d rather be than at the barn.
Favorite places to shop. Predictably, estate sales. I also live and die for Costco.
Favorite Instagram follows. @kenfulk, @dandridgestern, @colefaxandfowler, @libbycameronllc, @lilsemckenna, @privatenewport, @thedogist, @sheldricktrust
Can’t leave the house without. My LL Bean Boat and Tote + my golden retriever, Enzo.
Coffee or tea. Coffee (As hot as humanly possible, even in the summer.)
Favorite holiday to celebrate. The 4th of July. I love everything about it – the small town parades, the barbeques, the fireworks!
Wardrobe staples . Jeans and a white sweater in every weight/material possible.
Creative inspiration. The library and walks on the beach.
Best piece of advice. When I graduated from high school, my dad gave me a card in which he wrote out the lyrics to “I Hope You Dance” by Lee Ann Womack. He wanted to be sure I always remembered “when you get the choice to sit it out or dance… I hope you dance.” It’s something that has guided me ever since.
Life mantra . A party without a cake is really just a meeting. —Julia Child
I designed a pillow, I hope you dance” and stitched for my daughter when she graduated from college.
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